History Highlights
AVP History & Migration
Steve Angell Interview - from web page of Friends Journal October 2002
Steve Angell talks (Kennet Square, PA 2002) about the early beginnings of AVP, including before it was "AVP", the decision to incorporate, Steve's realization that the workshops were for everyone, the value of volunteerism, the value of having inmate facilitators and their value to AVP, and migration of AVP into other countries.
Karen Cauble Brings AVP to the West Coast USA - from an email by Lorig sharing her story for the Transformer newsletter
Lorig Charkoudian, Ph.D. shares her personal journey into AVP and how that has impacted her life. Starting with her first workshop in Pomona, California and continuing into her work with Community Mediation Maryland, she smiles, reflecting back on Karen Cauble's contribution. (photo of Karen from the California Fall Gathering 2007)
Karen Cauble color photo with comments by Lorig Charkoudian, Ph.D.
Janet Lugo - from from Winter 2006 issue of the Transformer
Memorial Minute of Saratoga Meeting, and a few words of others about her. (4 half-pages)
Janet Lugo color photo with quote by Janet.
Linda Heacock, AVP History, AVP in Kenya and Richmond, VA - from the May/June 2006 issue of RPEC News
Linda Heacock gives a general history of the beginnings of AVP, including comments on her personal experiences in Kenya in 2005. Also a brief vignette about AVP in Virginia.
Larry Apsey:
Video Interview with Larry Apsey excerpted from "A Step Toward Peace." (to be added)
Audio Interview with Larry Apsey by Gala Gastineau. (to be added)
Memorial Note & Biographical Sketch of Larry Apsey from the Winter 1997 issue of the Transformer.
Larry Apsey color photo with best known quote by Larry.
Maria Rifo:
Memorial Note & Biographical Sketch of Maria Rifo by Dotty Joos, from the Spring 2006 issue of the Transformer."
Maria Rifo color photo with comment by Dotty Joos.
Lee Stern:
Brief partial biographical sketch of Lee Stern
Lee Stern Memorial Peace Awards
Lee Stern, A life dedicated to nonviolence
Una cierta Información en Español
Información de Carácter General sobre el PAV (AVP)
PAV (AVP) para la Juventud
Migration Timeline
The following is only to give a flavor of the migration of AVP, and is not accurate information on when AVP programs actually started. Some entries are when people first took AVP to an area, as a presentation, mini-workshop, or workshop, and a program may have started years later or not at all. These are primarily gleaned from issues of the Transformer, and not all of such mention have been listed here (and some important ones were simply missing). Not all trial workshops or even established programs have continued to the present. If you have additional or corrected information, please feel free to contact me at couchdouglas@aol.com. See also the country-by-country REPORTS at the 2006 International Gathering (be aware the some AVP project have started and ended before these reports).
View Migration Timeline